Where to Next?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thing #15

It happens I did this thing last. And it seems a suitable way to end.Still have to post some concluding remarks for Thing 23.

Exciting things are happening in the world of librarianship. I appreciated this article by librarian Michael Stephens:


I'm glad to see that our own library services are trying to keep up with or stay ahead of this fast-moving technological evolution. Ask Us now! virtual reference service is an example of being where the customer is. They even have a MySpace presence. We have email reference service as well.

Allowing the customer to link from our catalog to other libraries' catalogs is wonderful.

Keep it going, BCPL!


Thing #21 Podcasts

I decided to go to www.wypr.org to listen to a podcast of the Marc Steiner Show. Cool! and you can do other things on the computer while you listen. I will use this!

Here's a link to a Maryland Morning podcast about banjos. Very interesting.


Thing #21 Podcasts

The initial turorial was fine, except that when I chose a podcast to watch, it took so long to download I got bored and quit.

I chose Yahoo podcasts and chose travel Italy. It loaded right away. But that was only audio.

So, apparently, the video takes ages to load.


Thing #11Library Thing

Cataloged some of my favorite books at Library Thing.

http://www.librarything.com/whatnow Login name Librarianonthego, password blogstudent

Thing #10 Image Generators

Obviously I studied the stuff about image generators or I wouldn't have been able to create the avatar that's on my blog.

URL:Watched Second Life intro and There intro.Created an avatar in Yahoo Avatars. Yahoo id is trattoir, password is blogstudent. Added avatar to my blog.

Am I sounding a little impatient? I am. I just want to be finished!